Rust game for mac free download
Rust game for mac free download

rust game for mac free download

This is a one-of-a-kind horror adventure without an actual monster to defeat as your enemy is yourself. Here, you will venture into the grieving process of the woman who lost a relationship, which became a big part of her life. Pillar of Rust is a heartfelt game that can wreck everyone emotionally. Technically speaking, it also contains solid movement and camera controls. The abstract geometry and moody color palettes accompanied by short bits of narration, deliver an all too relevant experience that was adequate to the pacing of the game.

rust game for mac free download

At times, your own thoughts will appear on the screen.Įach of the environments present in this psychological game manifests an impressive amount of emotion.

rust game for mac free download

Its angles swing around as you walk deeper into the game. What makes this game even more appealing is its use of third-person POV. This indie horror game is unlike any other as you will feel like exploring the otherworld in a Silent Hill game, but there are no monsters to worry about or fight with as the battle comes within yourself.

Rust game for mac free download